Make your Move Anywhere in America or worldwide. eXp Realty
310-977-7822 Lisa DiMercurio
Make your Move Anywhere in America or worldwide. eXp Realty
310-977-7822 Lisa DiMercurio
222 W 6th St Suite 444 San Pedro Ca 90731
310-977-7822 Call or TEXT
Exciting program to Buy a Home with No Mortgage Payment for Life.
Government FHA Insured Loan Program.
Buy anywhere in America
Easy to Qualify for
Retired OK
Age 55+
Buy a Home with NO Mortgage payment
FHA Government Insured Loan program
Age 55 +
Retired OK
No Job OK
Easy & simply to qualify.
We had a house that needed LOT of repairs. Lisa help sell our home "as is". Sold it in 2 hours.
She help find us a beautiful remodel home. We love the area we moved too. It has changed our life and brought my family closer together.
Best thing, we DO NOT have mortgage payments. We don't have to move out state to buy. We have the money to travel and enjoy life.
We are so thankful for Lisa help.
Go see our old home
Find your Dream
eXp Realty is a worldwide company.
Find the right home anywhere in America.
Q: Sounds too good to be true
A: Government FHA Insured Special Loan Program
Q: Does the bank own the property?
A: NO. You own the property and equity.
Q: How do I qualify.
A: Simply & Easy. 1 hour interview.
Retired or Self employed. OK.
Q: What kind of property can I Buy with NO Mortgage?
A: Home or up to 4 units.
Usually qualify for 2x higher price home
since you have No mortgage payment.
Q: What is the catch? Sounds too good.
A: Age 62+. Live in the home.
Pay property taxes.
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